A first-of-its kind training program
by the crypto ecosystem, for the crypto ecosystem.

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THe LEarning Program

The CMIC Academy spans across four key learning modules - Crypto Basics, Market Structure, Managing Risks, and Global Regulations — that set the bar for crypto market integrity education

True to the fundamental promise of crypto - to make finance more accessible, transparent, and efficient -
the CMIC Academy is available, free of charge.

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Full program

1. Basics of Digital Assets

  • Introduction to Crypto Basics
  •  Types of Digital Assets
  • Digital Assets Taxonomy
  • Stable coins
  • CBDCs
  • NFTs
  • Blockchain Technology

2. DeFi and CeFi Market Structures

  • Introduction to Market Structure
  • Centralized vs. Decentralized Exchanges: Data and Market Structure
  • Decentralized Finance
  • Crypto Market Ecosystem
  • Trading and Settlement of Transactions
  • Market Capitalization, Liquidity, and Volume
  • Lending
  • Digital Asset Indexes

3. Risks and Mitigation Tools

  • Introduction to Managing Risks
  • Crypto Market Misconduct Typologies
  • Price Manipulation
  • Hacks
  • AML, KYC, CFT, Sanctions
  • Counter-party Due Diligence
  • Forensic Investigations
  • Market Integrity & Surveillance
  • Fraud Prevention Case Study
  • Disrupting Terrorist Financing Case Study
  • NFT wash trading Case Study

4. Regulatory Landscape

  • Introduction to Global Regulations
  • Overview of Cryptocurrency Regulations
  • Travel Rule
  • AML Compliance: A Framework

Contributing Members

  • Solidus Labs
  • Bitstamp
  • Securrency
  • Circle
  • Elliptic
  • VAF
  • Crystal Blockchain
  • Kaiko
  • Anchorage
  • Robinhood
  • Aave
  • Market Vector Indexes
  • Gemini
  • NDAX
  • Chainalysis
  • Steptoe & Johnson LLP
  • FinClusive